Ski Weather Data Integration Tool

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Combined web scraping for weather data collection with a robust Python backend to create and merge JSON files, made comparisons using normalized data and incorporated a UI to let users explore the data.

Recipe Management

Designed and implemented a fully functional Flask application, enabling users to seamlessly add, edit, and delete recipes.

Developed a responsive API to retrieve detailed recipe information by efficiently querying a SQL database.

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Plant Ecophysiology Research

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I studied the effects of high light stress on ornamental plants, using croton as a study sample. My research aimed to determine how pigmentation changed with varying light intensity, which relied on the use of a LI-6800 and sampling.

The use of a LI-6800 allowed me to test varying light situations and could see in real time how the plant was reacting. In addition to these lab trials, I conducted greenhouse trials by placing some plants in a shade chamber and comparing them to those in full sun.

Using Excel, with the plan to use R later on, I was able to create visualizations of CO2 output versus light intensity to gain an understanding of how the plant responded to stress.

Automated Emails

Developed an automated emailing system using Python, reducing task time by 95%.

Split a CSV of several hundred short term rental reservations, created 50 unique PDFs for each with personalized information.

Became the primary contact method for over 20 state park across the US. Included an email list of about 100 state park and Tentrr Staff.

Designed for an utilized by Tentrr, a short term rental website. It's like Airbnb but for camping.

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Track That!

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Gained experience with Agile development methods, weekly scrums, working with project managers, and using Git, GitHub and branches as part of a development team.

Utilized efficient version control practices to reduce redundancy and discrepancies in code functionally.

Utilized SQL and a custom API to add new events and create a database of completed activities with the time and date of completion.

Anders' Orbits

Developed a simple portfolio website for my brother as a Flask application to show off his Senior Capstone Project.

Incorporates an embedded PDF and a professional design.

Check it out at

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Most of my projects can be found on my GitHub account page.